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Energie Fitness

Best Quality 3 in 1 Exercise

Best Quality 3 in 1 Exercise

Regular price Rs. 918.75
Regular price Rs. 2,000.00 Sale price Rs. 918.75
-54% OFF Sold out
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Imported Resistance
3 Tube Premium Quality
Fully Adjustable
Easy to use

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Easy Storage

Just like the chest expander price, its storage auctions have also been designed keeping in mind the needs of our users. It can be easily put aside in any corner which makes it suitable for gyms with smaller floor space or limited areas.

Improves Fitness

It helps to enhance the level of fitness for the users. It can be used by people to target the set of different muscles in the body. From enhancing the stability of the muscles to post-injury recovery, this equipment can be used in multiple ways.

High Strength

This chest expander has 3  rubber tubes of premium quality that provide it high strength and make it ideal for extensive and back-to-back training sessions. It is also suitable for users from pro levels that require extra resistance for training.

User Friendly

As exercise band offers a wide range of training options and has multiple benefits,  it is counted as one of the most user-friendly products. Plus, its ergonomic features and innovative design add to the class apart results it offers with every workout.

Chest expander workouts are effective exercises to build upper body strength and tone chest, arms, and shoulders. These workouts use adjustable resistance, making them perfect for improving flexibility, endurance, and overall fitness at home or the gym.

  • Energie Fitness EXP 3 in 1 Expander

    • Has an elastic and sturdy build
    • Can be used for rigorous body training
    • Has a triple tube design for better resistance
    • Offers different workout benefits in one
    • Suitable for beginners and pro-level trainees
  • Other Brands 3 in 1 Expander

    • Does not have an elastic or sturdy build
    • Not useful for rigorous training and exercises
    • May not offer high resistance levels
    • Offers options for limited training
    • May not be suitable for pro-level trainees

Fine Quality

Energie Fitness 3 in 1 Expander is a fine-quality product that caters to the needs of professionals and fitness enthusiasts in a shared gym space.

3 in 1

This product offers multiple options in one. It has a multi-utility design that allows users to engage in different exercises without any discomfort.


This can help with extensive chest expander workouts because it is durable and has solid elasticity which supports flexibility-enhancing exercises and muscle training.

Suitable for All

This is the best quality 3 in 1exerciser because it can accommodate users from different fitness levels and also provide them the comfort they require for training.